
How is 4-year-old child development?

Now your child can resume dialogue on cases more shows development of thinking processes. Your child begins to answer simple questions more easily and logically, as well as express his feelings.

  • It becomes a better understanding of the concept of time and the time of daily activities: For example, he knows that he ate breakfast in the morning, lunch at noon, and dinner in the evening.
  • The attention span increases, and it can focus more and more on the activity it does.
  • He understands two or three-piece directives: “Collect your toys, put on your pajamas and get ready for bed.”
  • They know the address of where they live, can think and say.
  • They understand the rules of the game and often tries to comply.
  • They understand the rules you set in the home better.
  • Instead of showing their anger physically, they begin to state verbally, if not always.
  • They have advanced more on problem solving.

Physical Development of a 4- Year-Old Child

As 4-year-old children grow taller, their coarse motor and fine motor skills continue to evolve.

Gross Motor Skills: He becomes more aware of his own footprint and strikes fewer places or someone as he moves. The ability to run increases, he can hit the ball with his foot and throw the ball with his hand. He can go up and down the stairs, climb up the stairs, stand for a short time on one leg, and undress himself.

Fine Motor Skills: Fine Motor Skills: By this age, hand-eye coordination should have improved, and thanks to this progress, it should be able to perform activities such as stringing beads, doing puzzle and painting inside the lines. It can copy triangles, circles, squares, and other shapes, draw people with body regions, put 8-9 blocks in a row. He can use fork and spoon. He can learn to brush his teeth himself.

Nutrition of a 4-Year-Old Child: Offer your child many different healthy meals, eating from various groups (vegetables, fruits, protein, carbohydrates) means getting the vitamins needed for healthy growth. It is important that you give servings according to the age, the child now understands when he is full, so avoid insisting that he eat more. Some children may be more selective in cooking than others, you can encourage them to taste new dishes, but you should not force them.

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